Bike assembly and disassembly
We can unfortunately not allow an assembly or disassembly in our garage. It is often time consuming and we can not allow you to be alone with other people´s things or let others be alone with your things.
Fortunately there are good indoor locations in the Hamraborg area where the Airport Direct bus and the local buses stop.
Please note that we do not own or control that property. We simply know about it and it´s free to use for the public. We accept no responsibility if you get turned away but if so, please let us know.
Link to Google maps is here
Fortunately there are good indoor locations in the Hamraborg area where the Airport Direct bus and the local buses stop.
Please note that we do not own or control that property. We simply know about it and it´s free to use for the public. We accept no responsibility if you get turned away but if so, please let us know.
Link to Google maps is here